Transportation Revolution Industrial Timeline

Industrial revolution transportation and communicationRoads, Railways and Canals. Lastly, in 1814, Stephenson employed the steam engine to develop a steam powered train, which would at some point allow improved communication and trade among locations before deemed also far. Quickly, the steam-powered train had turn into an icon of good results all through the globe ( Haberman 48). Britain encouraged the developing of railroads in other European countries, typically with British capital, gear, and technicians. Railroads became a standard item of British export ( Gernhard ).
The workday began and ended at certain instances. Many factory people worked up to 16 hours a day for quite little cash, because factory owners wanted to preserve production expenses low. Sometimes entire households went to work in factories: while males have been employed at iron and steel mills ,females and kids identified function in new textile factories. However, working conditions were bad and several … READ MORE ...